Tick Segerblom For County Commission District E


Rename McCarran International Airport

Former US Senator Pat McCarran’s legacy is nothing to celebrate—Nevada’s largest airport should not bear his name. McCarran’s time in the US Senate (1933 to 1954) coincided with great instability in the world. Yet as refugees of war and genocide turned to the US for sanctuary, he worked to adopt

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Quality of Life in Las Vegas

Las Vegas needs to stop and smell the roses. Clark County has been growing rapidly in the past fifteen years at the expense of living standards for its average citizens. Roads are breaking apart, state and city parks are being targeted for development, public services are under stress. Tick wants

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Progressive Marijuana Policy

Nevadans voted overwhelmingly to legalize recreational marijuana in November 2016, and immediately afterward I began work to ensure the law was enacted as quickly and smartly as possible. Recreational marijuana dispensaries opened for business then in record time — less than eight months after the public referendum. Nevada is now

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Destroy Glen Canyon Dam

Southern Nevadans should pay special attention to emergency spillways now collapsing at the nation’s highest dam in northern California. Those people whose homes, property and livelihood hang in the balance below Lake Oroville could someday be us. The Colorado River infrastructure we so heavily rely on is patched together with

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Contribute to Tick's Campaign

You can help Tick Segerblom give you a voice in the County Commission. Be a part of Nevada history and get involved in the campaign with a donation we will put to good use.