I have always strove to be very clear about where I stand about the issues. I would like to take an opportunity to share with you my stances on various issues affecting southern Nevada and Clark County. As always, if you have a question for me, you can always reach me at (702) 680-0262.
Our system is broken, forcing millions to live in the shadows. As a legislator, I have urged Congress to pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform and support DACA. Children who have lived in America their whole lives must be recognized as Americans. I am a proud liberal Democrat who wakes up every morning committed to fighting Trump and his humiliating conduct and evil policies. We cannot let him destroy Obamacare and deport DREAMers!
Minimum Wage
The minimum wage should be increased to $15. I proposed a bill for this at the Legislature, and believe everyone deserves a living wage. No one should need to work two or three jobs just to support a family.
I am a strong advocate for a Medicare-For-All system in the United States that will drive costs down by lowering co-pays and deductibles, increase access to healthcare, and make prescription drugs more affordable. It is simple: Healthcare is a right, not a privilege. Nobody should be bankrupt to keep their family members alive!
Oppose Trump
I pledge to oppose Trump’s destructive agenda as he seeks to roll back everything Obama stood for. I oppose his deportation regime, his wholesale rollback of environmental protections, and his plans to raise affordable housing prices, cut education funding, repeal Obamacare.
We must protect and, if possible, expand our Social Security benefits. In addition, I believe Medicare must be protected and expanded to a Medicare-For- All system that will reduce medical bankruptcies and lower the price of prescription drugs. We also need adequate oversight and protections, as well as adequate planning so that our veterans, seniors, and others on a fixed income receive a high level of service.
Jobs and the Economy
To attract employers and bring good jobs here, we must work to upgrade our community. My vision is that Clark County should be the gold standard for urban living in the Desert Southwest.
We need to invest in attractive parks and improve our transportation and transit systems. Establishing a Las Vegas Art Museum and building new cultural amenities will also bolster our
reputation and attract companies that pay high wages with good benefits. Finally, we need to work with UNLV, CSN, and CCSD to improve our education system. A highly educated workforce is the best way to ensure economic growth and greater prosperity for all.
Affordable Housing
We need more comprehensive planning, and we need to allow developers to build cheaper, smaller units, allow “Mother-In- Law units” on existing lots, and subsidize Veteran and Senior group homes. We also need to work with the Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority and various veterans and senior groups to ensure current programs are maintained.
Homelessness is a problem that the government can and should address. Nobody is going to bail us out of this unless we fix it ourselves, and we need to work together to make that happen. We need to address many things: Mental health, substance abuse, affordable housing, social services, criminal justice, and more. The city, county, and nonprofits can work together to reduce homelessness and make the county safer for everybody.
Public Safety
My goal is to strengthen bonds between our communities and the police department by increasing regular community patrols to relieve tension in our neighborhoods. Everyone deserves
to feel safe anywhere in Las Vegas, and that is what I will strive to accomplish by working with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to hire more officers, improve community connections, and ensure everyone feels safe reaching out to the police.
Gun Safety
I have taken a strong Anti-NRA stance. My goal is to introduce greater gun regulations including enhanced background checks and waiting periods for firearm purchases. At the Legislature, I authored legislation to ban of assault weapons and high capacity magazines and institute background checks because I believe we can respect responsible firearms users while not giving everybody access to military-grade firepower.
I believe a strong public school system is truly important. What we need is a local solution. That’s why I’ve proposed that Marijuana Revenues go to our schools. And that is why I have proposed a 1 percent sales tax for Clark County public schools to raise $400 million for our schools. Local money to support local schools with local accountability will help us dramatically invest in your neighborhood school. These funds can be used to attract and retain high quality teachers at District E schools.

We need to invest in attractive parks and establish a Las Vegas Art Museum. Building new cultural amenities will also bolster our reputation and create a better community. Finally, we need to establish a hardworking and dedicated Neighborhood Service Agency, a government agency that will work to ensure our roads are maintained, our streets are clean, and our residents have a one-stop shop for neighborhood issues.

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